Monday, November 8, 2010

Spring and Flowers

I have been picking many of my roses as they are so full of open flowers and buds that the branches are hanging down to the ground. I try and have only plants and trees and shrubs in my garden that are edible, useful or have a lovely scent. My roses are filling the house with their perfume and it is wonderful.

Sweet smelling roses.
I have lots of herbs and they are all flowering and growing with vigour and strength with the great rain we have had. The long range forecast for Victoria is to be a wet and cooler summer. As I am very human I feel a little groan inside me as that means lots of grass mowing and work in the garden to me. Now there are lots of people who will be very glad of such a forecast and for many different reasons. I am not a big fan of great heat but I am looking forward to sitting under the tree in the shade and it being hot. Even as I write that there is a little voice inside my head that knows it is weather and it will do what it wants to do, so I should just accept it and get on with it!
I think it is another lesson like the one I have learnt in my latest job. I have finally got the hang of the fact that it will take as long as it takes and that there is little likelihood of any changes happening that will improve the situation, so I might as well get on with it and not even think about it! Like the weather. So if I can do it in one situation then I can do it in another. So I will just fit in my day around the weather and not worry about it.
I am busy trying to figure out all the things that I can make for people for Christmas. I have decided that I have more time than money and I want to give of myself to friends. I love giving presents but I am very much a person  who loves to give 'Unbirthday" presents and 'Unchristmas' presents. I think it is fun to give someone something randomly. I love the presents that are given to me for no reason except that the person was thinking about me and thought that I would like the gift. I find that to be a lovely thought.
I am also busy sorting through the stuff that I have and sorting out what needs to go and if I want it to stay then I need to be very clear as to why I want that. My mother always used to say ' a tidy room,house, desk, etc. is a tidy mind. ' I am starting to believe that now and I find that as I am finding myself again after being firstly a mother for so long, that I am able to look at things and say no I want that gone as it no longer fits me. I find it fascinating how we seem to continually change and grow and maybe go back to what we thought we had moved on from. Life is so short that we must remain flexible and tolerant, of ourselves and others. There but for the Grace of God go I. That is a truth of life I believe and I am grateful that I only have my life to deal with and not the life that some other people have. It is all relevant though isn't it? Be good to yourselves and enjoy your day no matter the weather. Keep in mind that Christmas is very close though.

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