Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Moon The Moon The Beautiful Moon

As you can see I have put a cute little moon phase thingy on my blog. I have been hearing so much about how if we live our life with reference to the moon then everything will work better. I have known about this for years with reference to gardening but I have always been too lazy I guess, to really put in the time to work out what I should be doing when. I have promised myself that I will give it a go in 2011 so thought I would start with this little moon widget thing. If you are interested you can go back to the website and read more about it all. People who grow things bio dynamically do so with the moon. If you have seen some of the produce then you know that it works for them.
One of the main reasons I decided to take more note of and interest in the moon is because I seem to spend a certain amount of time where I start to feel a bit down and feel like I need to review many aspects of my life. It occurred to me the other day that this actually seems to happen on what may be a regular basis and I thought perhaps I should take note of what day of the month, which led me on to think about the phases of the moon. I am over menopause so that is not an issue except perhaps we still have something happening to the old hormones even then. So I will wait and see what my observations, if anything, show me. This photo is taken by me when I have been captivated by the beauty of the moon in the night sky. Not very good though.

Full Moon shining down on me.

The day or two of feeling a little reflective has been a really good thing because it has made me look at what I am doing with my time and I feel like I am now ready to take on some more challenges. This is an interesting thought as I seem to have spent my life making changes and accepting challenges which is a good thing in one way but not so hot in other ways. It has made for many interesting experiences and a great deal of learning but it has also meant that I am a 'jack of all trades and master of none!'
I have done lots of different jobs but I have never packed up and left my country to go to a new place just to try and get on in life. It seems rather odd that we have so many people leaving their home in order to try and find a country where they can make more money and have more stuff and yet the trend in those countries is to simplify and reduce in order to keep the planet going.
It is a funny old world we live in folks. Maybe that is because the moon is pulling us all in its tidal pull!
I must go as I can hear the baby magpie out the front squarking at it's mum and she will be hoping that I put out some mince and make her life a little easier. Isn't it wonderful that when I arrive home in my car the mama magpie arrives on the fence? Who ever says that birds are dumb? Magpies certainly aren't!

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