Friday, October 29, 2010

Wise Words

If you are like me you are often inspired by words. I have just read somewhere the following "Confidence comes from not always being right but from not being scared to be wrong". I read these words and went 'yes!'. I have often wondered what it is that 'makes' self-esteem as I have seen young people who have been brought up with positive messages and as young adults seem to have grave doubts about their abilities, whilst I have seen others who have not necessarily had such positive feed back but they seem to have all the confidence and assurance they could want. I also read somewhere that self-esteem cannot be given to someone but must be earnt by the individual. That also makes sense to me.
Raising children is such a hard thing to do but in hindsight it needs to be done with confidence that is accumulated by the above mentioned method.
The same sentiment relates to writing a blog on the Internet. I have been reluctant to put this blog 'out there' too much as I was aware that I need to be ready for the negatives and not just the positives. I am always very interested to hear differing points of view provided that they are not accompanied by vitriol. I love to have debates and discussions about all sorts of subjects but I am not interested in anger or hate or any of those sorts of attitudes. I think life is too short to be lived like that. On the other hand I also think that anger is a very valid emotion. I have read so many things that say that we should not be angry and my immediate reaction to that is, then why do we have that emotion? It is within us for a reason I have no doubt and just as we should control our other emotions, so we should with our anger. There is a lot that can be written about these thoughts but I will leave it at that for now. Have a great day and remember it is just fine to be 'wrong'. It is part of being human.

A place for peace.

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