Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Red Sky in the Morning Shepherds Warning...

I was nearly late for work this morning as I just had to get a photo of this spectacular sunrise! Remains to be seen if the 'warning' is justified.
I had lunch with a group of women yesterday who were so interesting. They all come from very different backgrounds with different reasons for being in the grou,p but that is what makes a group so good. I am very pleased that this group has been started and I certainly hope it will continue.
I believe that in this society we miss out on the community and support of other women. Everyone is so busy trying to earn a living that we are losing sight of the real riches of life. I know that it is becoming very hard to earn enough just to live a simple life, let alone if you are trying to raise a family and buy a house to live in. I listen to all the talk on TV about the banks and the huge profits they are making for the share holders and the utility companies who just keep putting up their costs but no-one is actually addressing the fact that this behaviour is really hurting people. I wonder where it will all end.
Will there be thousands of homeless people and will Australia become a place of poverty and desperation? I find that I just don't think about it as I don't have an answer, so I might as well just get through each day and enjoy the little things that don't cost money - like beautiful sunrises!
The company of great women also helps me to enjoy my day and I have terrific friends who make me smile. So really I am rich and so are you if you have people who love you and care about you. 
Only after the last tree has been cut down,
Only after the last river has been poisoned,
Only after the last fish has been caught,
Only then will you find
That money cannot be eaten.
I try to keep these words in my mind always and they help me keep positive about the future. Then we will all be equal except that if we know how to live with very little and without relying on money then we are the ones who are rich. Teach your children the wisdom of your elders. It was a mere 80 years ago that the Great Depression had the world in its grip and people took care of each other and themselves. We can do that too!
Money isn't everything though I understand that it does make living easier if you have enough to feed and warm yourself inside a dwelling.

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