Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Time will tell!

It is a very windy day today and it can't make up it's mind if it is warm or cold. Maybe it is just me that can't make up my mind. I got my front lawn done today but didn't get all the back done. It is a constant chore at the moment. All the trees are shooting beautiful new leaves and even the largest older trees are putting forth new growth.
I think the bright green new leaves look very pretty. They let you know that those leaves are new and tender.
I think growth in everything is quite lovely. Do you notice when your children 'grow?' If you could put a colour to their new found ideas, knowledge or understanding it would be bright new green and it is often tender. They know it, but it is only with practice that they gain faith in what they have learnt. When you think about it, that is the way that it is, or at least should be, for all of our lives! As the saying goes 'we do not stop learning/playing because we grow old but we grow old when we stop learning/playing!'

I feel sorry for adults who stop listening to the music, ideas, etc. of the younger generations. We may not like all of the new stuff but there is always some magic in amongst it if we choose to take notice of it. I am a big believer in having respect for our elders, but those same elders must be worthy of the respect. In the  same vein I think we should have respect for the new generations if they deserve the respect. It is about respect for each other and being aware of what is happening outside of your own little world. We cannot fix the world on our own but then also 'no man is an island.'
That is where the growth comes in and if we are intent with always growing and learning, then we will automatically see and understand wisdom no matter from where it comes.

There is a very interesting book that came out many years ago called 'The Indigo Children' and I found it quite fascinating as it put forward that there are many children being born that seem to have an innate wisdom in them. I see that often with very small children who will have a distinct aura of having been on this earth before. Some parents find this quite intimidating but I think it is a challenge that we all need to rise up to.
The post war generations are leaving behind a very uncertain future and the inhabitants of this future will need all the wisdom and skills they possess in order to navigate the challenges that they are bound to face.
It will be a very different world in the latter part of the 21st century that we cannot even imagine. Just as those people of the 19th century could not imagine the technology, etc. of today.
Yet it is all growth -it is just that some growth is not necessarily of service to others - that we can see! Time will tell!

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