Thursday, October 7, 2010

We Must Have Rain in order to Have Rainbows.

I had to rush outside last night and  take a photo of the beautiful complete rainbow that shone in the sky after a heavy downpour. It looked so beautiful and reminded me that there is always beauty if you look for it.
The rain and the warmth is certainly giving me (and everyone else) plenty of work in keeping up with the lawn mowing but just think how the worms, the yabbies, the plants and the trees are loving it and feeling so relieved that they have some water.
The drought may be over officially but don't forget that one year of rain does not make up for fourteen of drought. I do not understand why water restrictions have been lifted in Melbourne.
Melbourne businesses and residents should remember that in order for them to have water they are taking it away from other places. To bring water down from the Murray means less in that river and its systems. To have it piped down from the Thompson dam means that there is little flow in the Thompson River. The beauty and the ecosystems of the Wonthaggi area have to be affected in ways that cannot be known yet in order for cities to have water. Would those people who use the water with little or no thought be happy if a huge structure was built in  their street to take care of some rural area? I don't think so! All of us need to be more aware and grateful for what we have.
My daughter gives an example of this awareness as follows: think about the resources required to make a takeaway coffee cup. You need the man and the trucks etc. to cut down a tree and take it to the processing plant. Then you need the many people required to put it through the processing plant to make it into paper and then send the paper off to the processing plant to make it in to a cup and coat it with plastic so that it is heat and liquid proof. You will then need a transport and driver to take it to the coffee shop and then you will need someone to make the coffee for you. So far all of this has probably been a process that has taken many hours over weeks and now you have your take away coffee! It will take you all of maybe 10-15 minutes to drink it then you will throw it away. This is why you have people talking of sustainability. How long can we use all this energy and time and cost for so little reason? That is not taking into account the further cost of taking the throw away cup to the tip and how long it takes to break down in the soil.
If you do enjoy a cup of coffee think seriously about using a 'Keep Cup'. To buy these go to the following link: . Thank you for being aware and taking care of this wonderful blue planet.
KeepCup MED C
Well I have got off track from rainbows but you know it is all a great big web that we are in whether we like it or not! So enjoy and we will talk again soon. Have a great day.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a wonderful snap!! And yes - KeepCups are very important for those who can't do without their take away coffee... I am always horrified at the masses of waste people can make for something as simple as a caffeine hit. A gorgeous photo!
