Saturday, October 16, 2010

Different Paths to the Same Place

There are many things happening that seem to be emphasising the differences between people. It seems that there is a lot of TV coverage of the major Catholic event of a new saint and perhaps especially so because she is Australian. I didn't think that saints had nationalities? What is the nationality of Saint Christopher? Does it matter?

Personally I find that there is perhaps a lack of respect and value given to the natural world by Christianity. I have not read the Bible from cover to cover though! I also have never ever since I was a little girl, understood why there can be so many factions of one belief. I have never had that question answered satisfactorily. I guess it is the same as the extremist Muslim groups and it is as wrong to judge all in that religion as to judge everybody by some of the things that have been done in the name of the Christian God over the centuries.

I do however believe in a greater power because I am very sure in my mind that no human has the capacity to produce the beauty and wonder that is our natural world.
To look at the pregnant belly of a woman or a horse or a dog and then to see the resulting infant is miraculous. We don't know how it begins for all man's fiddling with gene's and DNA etc. I don't believe the answer to the chicken or the egg has yet been found! That is Great Spirit's little secret and long may SHe keep it.
See full size image
Three very pregnant mums!

A very proud mother with the result of her big belly!

I also personally think that it is very important that we do have a spiritual belief as I think it makes life and death much more pleasant and easy to deal with. If you have thought about and come to a firm belief, then living and all it's ups and downs becomes much easier to accept and be positive about and death is not just inevitable but a place we will reach in its own good time. We will all reach that place but all by our own individual paths. I believe that there are as many points of view as people on the planet.

Enough of serious matters now. I haven't written for a little while as I have been very busy doing double shifts at work which leaves me with minimum time. So I bought someone else's beautiful handmade jam this week. I thought it looked so beautiful that I took a photo to show you. It also served a double purpose as it was purchased from a school fund raising stall. It will last me for many months! Yum yum.
L to R Passionfruit & Melon Jam, Lime Marmalade, Quince Jelly, Crab Apple Jelly, Blackberry Jam.

The flowers of the Crab Apple!
Another instance of what I find a natural wonder is this!
The start of the contents of the jar second from right
 is shown in this photo.
This is my beautiful Crab Apple tree.
I was given a tree such as this by a very dear friend who died
suddenly and though this is not the same tree - I had to leave that at a previous residence - it still reminds me of the love and preciousness of the friendship she gave to me and my family. I think of her often and feel grateful for having known her love.

That is another whole discussion for another day! Friendship and what it means.
Ah what a wonderful and multi dimensional world we live in.
May all the Catholics enjoy their day of great significance tomorrow!

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