Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Reconnecting With Nature

I finished work early yesterday so I decided to get some Vitamin D into me. I went to a friend's place and lay on a hill top and watched the lambs play "King of the Castle" on the dam wall. The sheep are all quiet and friendly so they just got on with their eating, playing and feeding their new babies, while my friend and I plus our three dogs sat and watched. It does the soul good to just sit and listen to the breeze in the trees, the black cockatoos calling, the lambs bleating in reply to their mothers' loud blah checking where they are.

I think we all need to touch and reconnect with Mother Earth. I have chosen to live a quieter life that is not so driven by work demands and I still find that I suffer if I don't find the time to 'be' with nature.

If you are working long and hard and always busy, then the saying 'take the time to smell the roses' applies to you.
Most people have a park somewhere near them if they don't have a garden of their own. Just find somewhere that you can touch a tree or sit on some grass and listen to the sounds. Perhaps you need to sit and really look at the sparrows or the pigeons. They belong to nature and if you allow yourself to really be a part of them you will feel better for it. Imagine what their personalities are like. Who is the boss? What are they saying to each other? Do any of them remind you of any people that you know? I bet there is at least one that behaves like your boss or your mother or the ticket collector on the train.
Try it! You might like the experience!

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