Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Grey Days

It seems that we here in West Gippsland, Victoria are just not getting much in the way of sunshine.I usually love the cold and the wet as it is a contrast to the heat of summer.
However I find that I am having to be very conscious of not letting myself be dragged into that feeling of  depression or S.A.D (seasonal affective disorder)  For weeks we have been having what I believe the Scots call 'dreek'. I love that word! It sounds like it is.
I am so hoping that we have a real spring where it is not too hot and the sun is shining. Days like that are ones to inspire 'spring cleaning', to get the veggie garden going or to just get out in the sunshine and soak up the Vitamin D.
To keep happy I am knitting myself a jacket of many colours and I am loving the feeling of creativity that it is producing. I have been given the secret of how to produce this cornucopia of colour and texture that unfolds like a painting as you go! If you wish to learn more about this email me at thewalnuttree@dcsi.net.au and I will try to explain how to go about it.It is very easy once you know how, though it is best if you have some knitting experience.  I might even have a go at doing a quick video on my camera. It is nice to sit whilst you construct something of use and relax.

My Jacket of many colours in construction!
A good way of getting rid of that S.A.D. feeling.
It is fun though to balance it out with a rugged up and rapid walk with the dog. That gets the blood circulating and the dog is happy and you feel lighter too!

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