Saturday, March 12, 2011

And Further More!

I spoke on Wednesday about Mother Nature V Human Nature. Very sadly I think there has been another example of not working with Mother in Japan. I am not blaming the people of any area however as long as I can remember this sort of an earthquake has been expected in Japan. For years I have been hearing 'it is not a matter of if but when' with regard to a massive earthquake in Japan. So that is an expectation of Japan.

I personally cannot help but expect this to keep happening as Mother Earth fights back against the disrespect and disassociation that people seem to have for her. If you do not want to be so emotional/ spiritual in your thinking then imagine this. Get a plastic 2 or 3 litre milk bottle and empty it of milk. Then imagine putting water, air, dirt, mud and oil into it until it is full. Then put in a fairly thick needle and syringe and start to suck it out. It will not make any difference to the bottle for quite some time. Everything within the bottle will just move around a bit and then resettle. However it will eventually get to a point where the outside plastic of the bottle will start to fall in and change shape. If you have ever done this in some way you will know that when the shape changes it is very hard to get it to go back into it's correct shape.

Now I am sure that this is not the slightest little bit correct as far as geology and science is concerned but you know they are only guessing! When in the past millions of years has the removing of oil from 5 klms under the sea ever happened( as far as we know!) How often has water been pumped up from the under ground aquifers? How long have all the massive forests of trees, that are so very important in the plan of existence, been cut down by their millions? How long have we been pumping chemicals into the air, the water, the ground with results that we don't even know about?

The mass murder of beautiful living trees.
 You do not know what you do not know! Think about that. Sure I can say that "I don't know how they build nuclear reactors!" However I actually know something about them as I know of them. There are many, many things out there that I know nothing about and I don't even know what those things are! That is how complete my lack of knowledge is! Science and man in general is actually the same I think. I think the indigenous peoples have a far better understanding of how the world works than the Western world. It is like mothers have been instinctively cuddling and holding their babies and then some medical place does a study and says that 'cuddling and holding a baby is good for them.' Duuuh!

Peace and contentment for mother and baby.
 Anyway I hope that those with friends and family in Japan find that they are all alright. My thoughts are with those people who are in the middle of this frightening experience. I am very grateful that so far, I and those I care about, are alright. I do hope that people will start to look at the possibility that man and his unrelenting greed may be exaggerating the occurrence of these events. Every single one of us can do a little bit toward taking better care of the earth which means better care of ourselves and our future generations.

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