Saturday, February 12, 2011

How I Feel to What I Think.

I have found myself reading my last post and every time I stop in my tracks when I see the bit that says about how someone feels is their responsibility. Yes I definitely wrote that for myself! I have had so many examples put in my face that it is obviously time that I worked out how to not let someone else affect the way that I feel, not only how I feel about myself but about them!
That is the marvellous thing about life isn't it? You are never too old to learn and I hope I spend the rest of my life learning.

I went and saw 'The Kings Speech' last night and found it very entertaining. I was very involved in it and the two hours that it took flew by. I was struck by a couple of things in particular, the first was how much listening people did in those days. Everyone listened to the radio. Compare that to today when people, like me right now, sit on a computer where they don't have to listen at all, or for that matter, see even. In the middle of the time between 1936 and 2011 there has been TV which I suppose is a combination of listening and watching. That is how the world around slowly but surely creeps up on us and we quickly forget that we could and did do something differently. The other thing that was really brought home to me is that royalty or not, people are people, and they struggle and feel how they feel. Money, palaces, servants, power and even true sovereignty does not mean you are immune to problems of all persuasions. Everyone has to find their own way through their problems but the support of someone who loves you is irreplaceable. Someone who loves you despite everything, gives you the courage and the strength to deal with whatever is thrown at you. Money. etc. doesn't buy that either! Look at MJ or Elvis who could not deal with their demons on their own and chose money bought assistance due to lack of trust and belief in love. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger is the saying I believe!
Here are the viewing places and times for the movie. Enjoy!

I have been given some exquisite hand sewn from vintage materials fish! I love them and not just because they are so unique, but I know that they were made with love and care specifically for me. That is such a blessing and they have become treasured possessions. I have also been babysitting my daughter's fish and have found that I have great sympathy for them. They were in a totally bare bowl with just stones in the bottom and there they swam round and round. I walked past this scene for a few days and then I couldn't stand it. I had to make changes that I hope the fish enjoy , even if it is for only three minutes at a time. I think they like it. The first day they were quite bothered by  all the things that had suddenly appeared and then as you can see they decided to explore.

Three minutes of exploration of a broken plant pot!
 Just as we shouldn't make assumptions about royals or other people, perhaps we shouldn't make assumptions about the understanding or memory of fish! Which brings me to another topic again. That of eating animals. I will explore that one another day.

"The smallest house is enough to nurture the gift of love."

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